by Altitude | Feb 2, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
It must be borne in mind that Nedlac itself has no legislative powers. This minimum wage of twenty rand per hour is a recommendation from the social partner’s i.e. big business, big labour and government. This recommendation still has a long path to travel. The...
by Altitude | Feb 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
It has been a slow start to 2017 in the industrial relations sense. Thankfully, this has meant that we have had few strikes and no major retrenchments. On the legislative side, there is pending legislation with changes to the UIF, maternity leave and possible strike...
by Altitude | Dec 1, 2016 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
A lot has transpired in the labour front over the past month. As everyone is aware, the expert working group on the national minimum wage has made a proposal of three thousand five hundred rand per month as a minimum wage across the board for all employees in South...
by Altitude | Nov 1, 2016 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
After the judgment given by Judge Desai in the University of Stellenbosch legal aid case there has been much confusion with regard to the garnishee orders. There has been a suggestion to amend the Magistrates Court Act and the Department of Justice has drafted an...
by Altitude | Oct 3, 2016 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
I strongly believe, after having practised labour law for thirty-five years and been extremely involved with, small businesses are the proper conduit for the youth to enter the job market. With the stringent labour laws and harsh regulatory environment, these small...
by Altitude | Aug 1, 2016 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
S & P have warned us that unless we get our labour situation correct we run the extreme risk when the next review is due in December 2016. We cannot continue doing the same thing and expect to see different results. Our government appears to be ignoring the fact...