by Altitude | Dec 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
In December 2017 we celebrate the coming of age of the Labour Relations Act. The Labour Relations Act turns twenty one this year and was supposed to be given the key to job creation as we enter into the next phase of our economic development. Sadly, this has not come...
by Altitude | Nov 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
Firstly the National Minimum Wage which makes provision for the introduction of the minimum wage of twenty rand per hour which the Cabinet still believes is due to come into effect on the 1st May 2018. Obviously the exception will be for farm workers and domestic...
by Altitude | Oct 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
Every year at the end of September the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on labour prepares it budgetary review and commentary. Every year, the Auditor General of South Africa assesses the various departments, and in particular the Department of Labour, in order to...
by Altitude | Jul 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
The Department of Labour has implemented the minimum wage schedule, which is applicable as from the 01st July 2017. This is applicable for all industries in the Hospitality Sector and has been gazetted as from the 01st July 2017 for the entire Hospitality Sector. The...
by Altitude | Jun 1, 2017 | Altitude Employment Solutions News
As of late, Eskom has managed to focus every employers mind on how and why an employee leaves their employ. The troubles emanating from Eskom have shown all of us that one needs to be absolutely positive as to why the employee is leaving and how the employee is...